The word "philosophy" comes from the Greek Philosophia, which literally means "Love of Wisdom".
This word was created by Pythagoras (570-495 BCE) who spent years in Egypt to learn from famous priests and initiates.
However, philosophy became a specific manifestation of the human spirit with the Greek Socrates (470/469 – 399 BC). His famous pupil Plato was the one who really give birth to this tradition. The school he created called the Academy existed during almost 400 years. Philosophy still exists today in a large variety of branches.
Before learning philosophy, I first attended a technical school, achieving various diplomas such as industrial drawing, industrial design, mechanical drawing, etc.
Then I learned philosophy in the University of Bordeaux in France. I obtained a Master in Philosophy, presenting a deep study on the German Philosopher Nietzsche. The subject was “Morals and Religion in the Work of Nietzsche.”
While teaching philosophy for more than 15 years, I continued to learn ancient philosophy, and more specifically the Platonic and Neoplatonic Schools. In relation to this famous heritage, I learned more, specifically Hermeticism, Stoicism, Epicurism, and the philosophers of the Enlightenment (18th century).
At the same time, and in order to go further in the study of Western Religions, I learned Hebrew. The Bible and Qabalah have been part of my training during many years. Eventually, I developed a specialty in Religion (Rituals, Theology, and Philosophy).
Eager to keep alive the spirit of the founders of Philosophy, I don’t consider it as an abstract science disconnected from reality. First, philosophy is an initiation into the art of thinking clearly on complicated subjects. At the same time, it provides a spiritual understanding different from religion: it allows us to find a good balance between reason and faith while enjoying the life in a reasonable way. Ancient philosophy provides specific techniques you can use in your daily life. I teach this amazing tradition regularly in its various aspects.
As Epicurus said: “Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young nor weary in the search thereof when he is grown old. For no age is too early or too late for the health of the soul.”