Specs: Trade Paperback | English | 312 pages | 8 x 9 IN
Pub Date: January 2011
Uncover the fascinating truth behind Freemasonry and incorporate symbolic rituals into your life with this remarkably detailed and comprehensive insider's guide. Jean-Louis de Biasi, a 32nd Degree Freemason who's been involved in the order for over twenty years, offers a candid look at the essential aspects of Freemasonry. Basing his work on original texts and archaeological findings, de Biasi details the Masonic tradition's history, the degree-based system of the Scottish Rite, and their ethical teachings and philosophies. He provides evidence of Freemasonry's origination in the Ancient Western Mysteries and its Hermetic and Qabalistic underpinnings, and then traces how the Founding Fathers used this knowledge to embed sacred symbolism into the U.S. Capitol and throughout Washington, DC. From the power-charged grids within architecture to Albert Pike's highly influential teachings, from the Rose-Cross mysteries to the Masonic themes in Dan Brown's popular books, Secrets and Practices of the Freemasons shines a revelatory light on this captivating subject. Also featured: genuine Masonic meditations and individual rituals with easy-to-follow instructions, plus interviews with scientists who lend their perspectives on Freemasonry as it is viewed and practiced today.
by M.W. Carl L.”Bud” Banks
With deep gratitude to Jean-Louis DE BIASI, a talented writer on the subject of Freemasonry, I am honored to have met during an official visit to a Masonic Lodge in Las Vegas Nevada.
On my travels to the Masonic lodges as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Nevada, my message is based on Pointing the Pathway by Rays of Light. There is an amazing growth of interest on the subject of Freemasonry . My comments are based on this interest generated from Writers, Television and the Internet, my comments are based on years of developing the history behind my pin design for the theme Pointing the Pathway.
Esoteric Freemasonry: The Hidden Side of the Pyramid
Among the Western Initiatic Traditions, Freemasonry is one of the best known. Today, it seems strange to say that this amazing organization was founded in 1777 in an English pub, but it's true! Of course, it was a formalization of groups that preexisted. However, it is from this moment that the legend really begins. At first, simple rituals were used, along with signs and secret words. Progressively, a third degree was added to the two originals, then thirty degrees more, then sixty-five Egyptian degrees more, and so on.
Discover the Ancient Secrets of the Freemasons
Dan Brown’s novel The Lost Symbol portrays Freemasons as a mysterious group of conspirators who have been secretly ruling America from its very creation. Of course, we have to remember that this is a fictional book, which uses certain elements of truth in a creative way in order to develop the storyline of the novel. But who are the Freemasons? What are their secrets? While any simple online search can yield an abundance of information, Jean-Louis de Biasi, author of the book Secrets and Practices of the Freemasons, divulges just exactly what Freemasonry is...and lets readers in to an unknown world of spirituality.
The Hidden Pyramid in Washington, DC and Its Practical Use...
Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Jean-Louis de Biasi, author of Secrets and Practices of the Freemasons and the forthcoming The Divine Arcana of Aurum Solis. Many months ago, Dan Brown’s novel The Lost Symbol revealed a strange story to its readers regarding the quest for a hidden pyramid in Washington, DC.

I have found the book very interesting, informative, and outstanding. The main reason I'm satisfied is because I delved into the Masonic thinking and found a more clever way to master in rituals.

Very enlightening information and an excellent read. For those interested in the intricacies of the Freemason organization, this book is a very good introduction.
In T. M.

Packed full of knowledge that takes a freemason deeper into the ancient practices and roots of masonry. I've read numerous books, many published by official masonic lodges, on related topics and I'm impressed by the level of knowledge and connections found in this book. While it does not go as deep as other books into the esoteric meanings of certain masonic and occult principles, it is a great starting point and reference book that can be used to research and go deeper into related topics, e.g. hebrew or qabalah. I have recommended this book to other worthy brother freemasons as a supplement to their path to enlightenment.
C. Money